Tamasys' Blog

Posts Tagged ‘procrastination

Where is all that dust coming from? Oh, yes, that’s right… the forgotten place that is my blog.

I would say that I have been busy, but that isn’t entirely true. While there has been a lot to do, there has also been enough free time for me to… oh, I don’t know… write a book! Actually, that is something I have been putting off as well

I had exams last two weeks ago, so that is a legitimate reason. However, I have not had exams the whole year, so that excuse goes flying out the window.

I have had quite a bit of homework over the year, but, as I said, not enough to stop me playing video games, watching murder mysteries, reading books, tipping cows, and going to air shows.

Hmm… I really don’t have any excuse to not have blogged. Look at ozzyfrog! He has written heaps! Oh well, I am writing one now, so I suppose all is forgiven.

I had a really interesting post in mind when I started writing this… six hours ago. This is the extent of my procrastination. Oh dear. I will really have to work on that…

I think that I will write another post when I remember what it was I was writing about. For now, goodnight.

In the absence of a website to waste my time on (it is down at the moment) I have decided to set my old LEGEND laptop (which is not much good for anything other than fire kindling or house foundations) up with Kubuntu, Apache, and various other things to let me practice web development without having to wait an hour to upload things to my remote server (vndv, which is part of Zymic). It is altogether possible (quite likely, in fact) that this will not happen due to my forgetfulness and extreme procrastination skills (guess what I’m supposed to be doing right now? Homework, of course.)

Fingers crossed that this happens, because then I can learn how to switch my site from HTML to PHP.

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